Pan, Zoom and Orbit Behavior (Unity)


UI elements to Orbit, Zoom, Pan and Reset View. GUIs to tweak values for demo purposes.

Source Code

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Table of Content

Final Result

A demo scene with view control to navigate the scene, and a playground to tweak values in the demo.

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Input Actions

Using the Input System Package from Unity, create an Input Actions asset and setup the Action Maps.

  • Orbit and Pan will be Action Type set to Value, because we want the actual Vector2 coming from the analog stick on screen.
  • The Control Type will be set to Stick, so we can bind it to the Gamepad Stick.
  • The Binding will be set to the Left Stick and Right Stick, correspondingly.

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On Screen Controls

We will need to add Unity UI Game Objects to represent the analog sticks on the screen.

  • Adding the built in On-Screen Stick behavior to the image component will do it.
  • We need to set the Control Path of the on screen stick to Left Stick [Gamepad] and Right Stick [Gamepad] correspondingly.

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Connecting to the CameraMovement

  • The CameraMovement classes will listen to events such as OnPan or OnPointerDelta.
  • And internally will use these inputs to move the camera accordingly.

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Input Signals

1private void OnPan(InputValue value) => panAmount = value.Get<Vector2>(); 2private void OnOrbit(InputValue value) => orbitAmount = value.Get<Vector2>();
1private void OnPointerDelta(InputValue value) 2{ 3 orbitAmount = isOrbiting ? value.Get<Vector2>() :; 4 panAmount = isPanning ? value.Get<Vector2>() * -1.0f :; 5} 6 7private void OnOrbitStart(InputValue value) 8{ 9 isOrbiting = value.isPressed; 10} 11 12private void OnPanStart(InputValue value) 13{ 14 isPanning = value.isPressed; 15} 16 17private void OnZoom(InputValue value) 18{ 19 zoomAmount = value.Get<float>(); 20}

Pan View

  • Given the Vector2 amount of movement from the analog stick, we move the camera along its up/down and right/left directions.
  • We also reposition the orbit pivot, which will be used later for orbiting around it.
1private void HandlePan() 2{ 3 if (panAmount == { return; } 4 5 var direction = camera.transform.right * panAmount.x + camera.transform.up * panAmount.y; 6 7 camera.transform.position += (direction * panSpeed * Time.deltaTime); 8 PositionPivot(); 9}
  • The Pivot point is calculated by raycasting the Camera forward direction into a Plane defined parallel to the ground, at the Zero position.
1private void PositionPivot() 2{ 3 var distance = 0.0f; 4 5 var ray = new Ray(cameraTransform.position, cameraTransform.forward); 6 7 if (floorPlane.Raycast(ray, out distance)) 8 { 9 transform.position = ray.GetPoint(distance); 10 } 11}

Zoom View

  • Zooming is easier, just moving the Camera along its forward direction.
1private void HandleZoom() 2{ 3 if (zoomAmount == 0.0f) { return; } 4 5 var direction = camera.transform.forward; 6 camera.transform.position += (direction * zoomAmount * Time.deltaTime); 7}

Orbit View

  • Orbiting is easy thanks to the RotateAround helper function from Unity.
  • We make the Camera rotate around the pivot position, around the world up direction, and around the right direction of the camera.
1private void HandleOrbit() 2{ 3 if (orbitAmount == { return; } 4 5 cameraTransform.RotateAround(transform.position, Vector3.up, -1.0f * orbitAmount.x * orbitSpeed * Time.deltaTime); 6 cameraTransform.RotateAround(transform.position, cameraTransform.right, orbitAmount.y * orbitSpeed * Time.deltaTime); 7}

GUIs for Playground

  • A set of GUI inputs to let you tweak values for the demo.
  • These can be hooked up via events to your objects and shaders, to showcase behavior.

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