UnityEngineMario Kart Item Box VFX2022-10

Implemented both with pure HLSL and Shader Graph, for the Universal RP in Unity
HLSLURPShader GraphUnityVertex ShaderFragment Shader
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  • Rainbow animation effect, using a grayscale texture to distort the UVs for sampling the rainbow colors.
  • Utilizing the _Time built in variable to make the UVs offset with time.
  • Using Culling to only render inner sides of the box.
  • Transparency implemented using RenderType and Queue for transparency, ZWrite off for best practices, and Blend One One.
  • Obtaining the view direction by substracting the world space position of the vertex to the _WorldSpaceCameraPos.
  • Basic Fresnel effect achieved by doing the dot product between the view direction and the normal.
  • Using built in functions and variables from Core.hlsl and Lighting.hlsl
  • Obtaining the main light direction using the built in GetMainLight()
  • Computing a basic Blinn Phong lighting model by reflecting the main light dir along the normal, then doing the dot product with the view dir.
  • Using a Particle System to render the question mark inside the box.
  • Using an Animation Controller to implement the animations.
  • Drawing the textures in Affinity Photo for the box.