GodotEngineMetroidvania Game in Godot Engine2023-02

Made with Godot Engine 3.5.1
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Prototype to learn the basics of the Godot Engine, Scene Graph, Resources, Packed Scenes, Animations, Nodes and GDScript.


  • Player Movement, Jump, Air Jump, Wall Slide and Gravity implemented with Kinematic Rigid Body 2D.
  • Player Sprite Animations using Animation Players and Camera Fllow Behaviour using Remote Transform.
  • Tilemaps to build the terrain parts of the World.
  • VFX implementation using Particle System.
  • Player Gun and Bullets using instancing of Packed Scenes.
  • Script inheritance to implement different types of Enemies.
  • Hitboxes and Hurtboxes system to implement damage to Enemies and Player.
  • Using Singletons and Resources to handle the Player Stats.
  • Event Bus for pub/sub on system wide events.
  • UI using Canvas Elements.
  • Doors to implement changing Levels.
  • Boss Enemy implementation using rigging, bones, IK and animations.
  • Save Stations and Save/Load System rebuilding the scene with persisted nodes.
  • Pooled SFX System and Music.
  • Game Over screen and reset of the game to play again.