UnityEngineThe Star Cat2022-07

Published Mobile Game for iOS & Android
iOSAndroidC#UnityMobile Game

I am the solo indie developer on the project. Managed everything from conception, art & programming until deployment in AppStore and PlayStore.

A stylish 2D Side-Scroller with a cat character that shoots a weapon. The player has to destroy enemies and avoid obstacles.

The game is developed in Unity3D engine.


  • Gameplay programming and behaviors for Unity with C#.
  • Designing architecture for testability and reusability of systems.
  • Dependency injection using Zenject.
  • Game mechanics, enemy attacks with the command pattern and coroutines.
  • 2D Animations using Unity Animator / Mecanim.
  • UI elements and animations.
  • Optimization of sprite assets for reduced app bundle size, sprite atlases.
  • Integrating audio assets from the Asset Store, working with AudioSources and Mixers.
  • Unity Ads, integrating the SDK and managing the Unity Ads dashboard configs.
  • CI/CD with Unity Cloud Build and integrating with the APIs of PlayStore/AppStore for automated deploy of builds.
  • Unit Tests for EditMode/PlayMode.
  • TestFlight in the AppStore and internal testing tracks in the PlayStore.
  • Production deploy of apps in the PlayStore Console and the AppStore Connect.
  • AssetBundles and LoadAsync for memory usage optimization.
  • ScriptableObjects.