UnityEngineStars and Fireworks UI VFX2022-11

Implemented with Shuriken Particle System in Unity
VFXUIBuilt-in RPParticle System
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  • Designing the concept in Affinity Photo, to use the sprites and as reference in Unity.
  • Using the UI Particle package by Mob-Sakai, to be able to render Particle Systems in the UI using BakeMesh/BakeTrailMesh.
  • Shader for additive Rainbow effect on the Light Rays.
  • Additive Glow Effect.
  • UI Particle System for Stars coming out from behind the sign, using an Additve Shader.
  • UI Particle System for the Fireworks.
  • Using Trails to render the trails of the fireworks rockets and debris.
  • Sub Emitters to render explosion and debris coming out of the explosion.
  • Color Over Time, Size Over Time, Force Over Time.
  • Emission Shapes and Emission Bursts.